Friday, January 23, 2015

Blogging and the Creative Mind

Blogging. It's exactly what I'm doing now and what our friends talk about talk about being awesome at. Also, it's a way to sneak in your company's name, like Ipsum Films, so that search engines rank them higher in related searches. 

Whatever the reason for a blog, be it search engine recognition or personal expression, blogs have nearly become an expected part of anything web-based or companies with a younger audience. 

That said, out purpose for blogging is to exercise the communication of our knowledge and to attract and audience of individuals bent on learning and networking. We're not perfect and don't have decades of experience, yet, but we want to grow and our industry is built on collaboration. 
Ever try making a movie on your own? It's much harder than you currently imagine. Working with others is the foundation of our industry and we want it to be a foundation of education and career path of everyone involved with Ipsum Films. 

That is why we blog. We blog to reach out, so others might reach back. If others (a.k.a. YOU) reach back, than everyone wins and we all grow. 

So, blogging. A blog is an easily available tool for communication and expression. If you're reading this, please feel free to reach out and suggest a blog post idea, or ask anything you want to know. We'll be happy to research the topic and learn with you.
Twitter @ipsumfilms

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