Monday, January 26, 2015

Writing part 1

I am a writer at heart and have had a long journey of learning, honing, failing, and crafting, so far. With each of these things being a lifelong process, how does someone go about taking the leap of faith and getting their work finished?
I talk about writing, much like I do about Cinematography - as a life long student just like yourself, in whatever niche you claim. 
If you are a writer, you can probably relate to the following: Writing is something I could do 20/7, 365. Looking back on the past few years, my favorite days are the ones that start with writing at 6am, ending at 2am. Without doubt, I would be incredibly fulfilled by living such a schedule. Many people I know do not understand that, especially considering I am not monetizing any writing at the moment. 
In the recent two years, I have been blessed enough to have two plays, a one act, and various improvisational theatre scripts, presented in Manhattan. But stage plays are not as much of a passion as screenplays and narrative styles are. 

Writing is an interesting game. It is very competitive and every expert has their approach. My personal approach varies depending on the script, but I do have a staple in my method and that staple is found in drafting the story. Essentially, an idea could come from anywhere: pickles, socks, divorce, murder, anything. Character, location, event, whatever the trigger of a story, I seem to follow two BASIC balances to stay in check: 
"Action -> Result -> Response." 

For now, I will leave the Flog a cliffhanger! Spread the love and check back for the next post!

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