Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Blustery Day: Last 2 Days of Shooting

I got behind on writing these so I'm condensing the last two days.

Day 4 was well long. We all learned a valuable lesson. Make sure you have an actor that actually reads the script before shooting. We spent 9 1/2 hours on one scene. It was very difficult and we all received a lesson in patience.

After 2 hours of rehearsing and 5 hours of retakes Evan finally decided it was time to break for lunch. This was the best thing he could have done for us. We went to dinner came back and tried again. We finally wrapped scene 31.

After surviving scene 31 we shot one last night scene of mouse traps and called it a day. When we were cleaning up I caught a continuity error that made us all cringe. David had forgot to put his satchel back on after dinner. We had to reshoot scene 31.

Luckily for us David had a little bit of a wake up call and did much better the next day. We did some action scenes and wrapped 6 scenes before lunch on our last day. Ginny and I went to pick up lunch for the guys while they reshot the dreaded scene 31. David remembered the whole scene and it kept us right on time.

After lunch we began to race sunset much like Cabal did in the short. We had to finish before we lost all of our light. In the end we weren't sure if we would make it but after some improvising and condensing Evan announced "that's a wrap" at 7:00. For the first time during the shoot we wrapped on time.

This was an incredible experience. Kris and I were able to work with people who have a real passion for film like we do. We earned credit on IMDB and are so excited to see how this short looks when it is edited.

Watch for more blogs on our film adventure more projects are to come!

Anne Orban 
Blogger and Photojournalist 
Ipsum Films 

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