Saturday, April 18, 2015

Organization a lost art

In order to have a good production there needs to be a lot of organization in the preproduction process. There are very few good productions that turn out without going through planning, writing, and re-writing. The only productions that do well with little planning are still organized have a strong story and the actors are highly skilled in improvisation. For beginners it is important to embrace the planning process.

A rookie mistake that is made by novice writers is looking at highly successful shows, such as "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia." 90% of the show is improvised but the actors are trained and still follow a structured outline. Actors on any show know they have to get from point A to B to C somehow. Good writers will write a script that can allow actors to stray from but still know where to get to. Never compare yourself to professionals that have been working on their career their whole life. You will get there but start at page 1. You'll get to where they are at if you keep working at it.

Improv is something that people pay thousands to learn. It is not something that an everyday ordinary person can do and writers should take that in to consideration.  Make your script as detailed as possible, write lines that actors can work with  if they can't improvise and never assume actors will come up with something better on the day of the shoot.

As an aspiring actress myself I can tell you that I need my script. I need the details and I need to know what I am working with. I'll add the personality in as I go but with out an organized script I have no way to find A, B, and C. The best scripts I have read allow for improv but are still structured and organized.

Preproduction takes time and that is ok. The best work comes from an organized process if you want your work to stand out then you will take the time to organize. Amazing work rarely comes from chaos. What little good comes from the chaos probably started out organized at some point. Preproduction involves research, planning, outlining, writing a treatment, dozens of rough drafts, a decent piece, and several rewrites before it can be ready for anyone to take seriously. It takes time but if you use your time to plan and organize it will be time well spent.

By Anne Orban 
Blogger/Photo Journalist 
Ipsum Films

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